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Common Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about Therapy. Please feel free to schedule a consultation if you'd like to know more!

How much does Therapy Cost?

Your investment towards your goals and personal well being ranges from  $185 - $250 per 50 min session. If you're able to pay full rate, it gives others who are experiencing financial hardship the opportunity to access services.

Do you offer sliding scale rates?

I have a few spots reserved for financial hardship. I strive to have an equitable and accessible practice. Please reach out if you're seeking support.

How long will I be in Therapy?

Everyone's experience is different when it comes to the length of treatment. I work with people who have been with me for many years and continue to enjoy the ritual of coming to Therapy weekly as a collaborative process. Others find they feel complete and want to end Therapy after one year. It all depends on your individual needs. I make sure to do regular check-ins to see where you're at with this process and reassess your goals and the progress you've made. Regularly showing up to your Therapy sessions is the best way to reach your goals.

Do you accept insurance?

While I'm not partnered with an insurance provider, I work with many patients who are able to get reimbursement for their therapy. I'm able to provide super-bill and the necessary documentations to provide your insurance. I encourage you to check with your insurance provider before starting therapy to inquire about your specific coverage options.

Can I come to Therapy every other week?

Consistency is important for you to get the most out of therapy. I recommend once a week (or more depending on need) to ensure we build a strong foundation and continued care where you can make noticeable progress towards your goals.

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